How Do Clients Perceive Businesses That Advertise on Facebook: The Case of Palestinian Companies
Hits: 194
The Criteria Followed by Manufacturing Companies in Selecting Insurance Companies: An Applied Case on Industrial Companies in the Bethlehem Governorate
Hits: 557
The role of entrepreneurial women projects in empowering women economically in Palestine: A case study of Ramallah, Al-bireh and Bethlehem governorates
Hits: 547
The impact of covid-19 on Finance and Banking students using online or virtual teaching and learning at Al-Quds University
Hits: 236
Reality of Financial Risk Management in Palestinian Hospitals, Case of “al-makassed Islamic Charitable Society Hospital”
Hits: 578
Adolescent access to health services in fragile and conflict-affected contexts: The case of the Gaza Strip
Hits: 765
Effects of Social Media Use on Psychological Well-Being: A Mediated Model
Hits: 844
Moderating Role of Leverage Maturity on the Relationship Between CEO Duality and Asset Tangibility in Textile Firms: Evidence from Pakistan
Hits: 772
Relationship between Innovation and Performance among Palestinians Firms
Hits: 1547
Effects of Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Factors on Social Media Adoption
Hits: 790