Research Ethics Committee

How to Apply

Criteria for submission

The REC will accept  to review applications that meet at least one of the following:

Any experiment or procedure which falls within one or more of the following categories must be referred to the REC or the relevant sub-committee for consideration and ethical opinion:

  1. Procedures involving any risk to a participant’s health and safety (for example intrusive physiological or psychological procedures).
  2. Research involving the use of animals.
  3. Research involving the donation of bodily material, organs and the recently deceased.
  4.  Surveys, questionnaires and any research, the nature of which might be offensive, distressing or deeply personal for the particular target group.
  5. Proposals wishing to use children under the age of 18 and those  who are unable to give informed consent (e.g. people with learning disabilities).
  6. Research proposals to be carried out by persons unconnected with the University, but wishing to use staff and/or students as participants.
  7. Research involving access to records of personal or sensitive confidential information, including health, genetic or other biological information, concerning identifiable individuals.
  8. Research where the safety of the researcher may be in question.
  9. Proposals which require participants to take part in the study without their knowledge and consent at the time.
  10. Research involving prisoners or young offenders.

Application documents

In order to submit an application please read and review the following:

  • The code of good practice [word] [PDF]
  • Application check list  [word] [PDF]
  • Application form [word] [PDF]  [Sample application form]
  • Research interview consent form in English [word]
  • Research interview consent form in Arabic [word]
  • Case report patient consent Form in English [word] [PDF]
  • Case report patient consent Form in Arabic [word] [PDF]

Before you apply:

Please complete the following training modules before submitting your application for approval.
The links for the two modules can be found here

If you are applying to get ethical approval for a clinical trial, you need to do the following:

  1. complete this extra module in addition to the modules above:
  1. register your trial at this registry

To apply:

  1. Download and fill the application form
  2. Download and complete the Application Checklist
  3. If you publishing a case report, you need to complete the Case report patient consent Form

Application procedure

  • Fill in the needed forms
  • All researchers involved in the research project need to sign the application forms
  • Send the application documents, the research project proposal, and any related document to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Applications will be discussed in the bi-weekly REC meeting after submitting your application.
  • Response to applications will be within two weeks of submission.
  • In case there is a need for further review, response may require more than two weeks and you’ll be notified.
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