On 25 April this year, the first joint workshop of German and Palestinian Neuroscience experts took place at Technical University of Berlin (TUB). This important meeting was prepared by Dr. Matthias Treder from University of Birmingham (UK) and his colleague at TUB, Prof. Benjamin Blankertz,
in close cooperation with representatives of the Palestinian Neuroscience Initiative (PNI), led by Dr. Mohammad Hrzallah. They succeeded to gather about 20 experts from different German and international universities (mainly from UK and US) for an exchange on current trends in their fields of competence, including neurotechnology, cognition and brain sciences, episodic memories, brain and language, neurophysiology and pathophysiology, psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, biopsychology and neuroergonomy (see detailed agenda attached).
Besides the exchange on current research topics and methodologies, this meeting also was instrumental to bring together partners for an envisaged joint research project between TUB and AQU scientists to further develop neuroscience research in Palestine and to establish a first EEG laboratory to deal with dementia and depression. This project will include also capacity building aspects for AQU staff during the coming years. Beginning of July a delegation of German scientists will visit AQU to prepare this project in detail.
For more information about the workshop click here ...