On 11th December 2017, Adnan Lahham, published a new study in Radiation Protection Dosimetry Titled “Estimation of Female Radiation Doses and Breast Cancer Risk From Chest CT Examinations.” The article aimed to study the breast organ doses, effective doses and lifetime attributable risk (LAR) of breast cancer from chest CT scans. The results showed that for younger females (15-29 years), the LAR of breast cancer risk was estimated to be around 0.05%. For older female patients (60-79 years), the risk was ~0.001%. It was found that LAR decreases remarkably with patient's age. Values obtained in this study vary between hospitals, they are generally low and consistent with other studies reported worldwide.
For more information about the study, please contact the main author at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the scientific research office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..