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Dr. Jehad Abbadi: Evaluation of the Effect of Packaging Materials and Storage Temperatures on Quality Degradation of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Olives Grown in Palestine

Field of Research: Food Technology 

Name of author) (s): Jehad Abbadi, Ibrahim Afaneh, Ziad Ayyad, Fuad Al-Rimawi, Wadie Sultan and Khalid Kanaan

Title of published work: “Evaluation of the Effect of Packaging Materials and Storage Temperatures on Quality Degradation of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Olives Grown in Palestine”

Name of Journal: American Journal of Food Science and Technology

Year: 2014

Volume:  2 (5)

Pages: 162-174

Publisher: Science and Education Publishing


The quality of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is intimately affected by packaging material and storage temperature. In this study, the influence of packaging materials and elevated temperature on EVOO quality was investigated during six months. At ambient temperatures, oil maintained EVOO when stored in glass, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high density polyethylene (HDPE), cans and Pottery in terms of chemical tests (acidity, peroxide value, K232, and K270). Loss of phenols was the highest in pottery-stored oil and the lowest was found in glass-stored oil. Only PET-stored oil maintained the EVOO grade in terms of sensory evaluation when stored at room temperature. At elevated temperature, oil stored in all packaging materials lost extra virgin quality in terms of chemical tests. The loss of phenols was the largest in HDPE and smallest in cans-stored oil. Sensory evaluation, maintained glass-stored oil and PET-stored oil as EVOO. This study has reaffirmed that at both storage temperatures, the best container in maintaining the EVOO quality was glass and the worst was pottery. Grading of stored olive oil under investigation using sensory evaluation solely was not sufficient. Also it was clear that the absorption coefficient K270 was the most sensitive determinant chemical test that determines the quality of stored olive oil and could be used as a rapid indicator test.


Olea europaea L., olive oil, oil oxidation, stability indicators, storage conditions, packaging materials.

Contact author (s):

Name: Jehad Abbadi, PhD.

Address: Department of Biology, Al-Quds University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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