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Public Health

Dr. Bassam Abu Hamad: Impact of an educational program on knowledge and practice of health care staff toward pharmaceutical waste management in Gaza, Palestine

Field of Research: Health Management

Name of author) (s): Tabash, M, Hussein, R, Mahmoud, A.El-Borgy, M. and Abu-Hamad, B.

Title of published work: “Impact of an educational program on knowledge and practice of health care staff toward pharmaceutical waste management in Gaza, Palestine”

Name of Journal: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

Year: 2016

Volume:  66, No. 4

Pages: 429-438

Publisher: GrossMark 


In health care facilities, pharmaceutical waste is generally discharged down the drain or sent to landfill. Poor knowledge about their potential downstream impacts may be a primary factor for improper disposal behavior. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of an intervention program on knowledge and practice of health care staff regarding pharmaceutical waste management. The study was designed as a pre/posttest intervention study. Total sample size was 530 in the pre-intervention phase, and then a subsample of 69 individuals was selected for the intervention and the post-intervention phases. Paired-sample t test was used to assess the difference between pretest and follow-up test results. A statistically significant improvement in knowledge and practice was achieved (P < 0.001). Poor knowledge and poor practice levels (scores <50%) were found to improve to satisfactory levels (scores ≥75%). Therefore, educational programs could be considered as an effective tool for changing health care staff practice in pharmaceutical waste management.

Contact author (s):

Name: Bassam Abu Hamad, PhD.

Address: Faculty of Public Health,  Al-Quds University.

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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