Researchers by Faculty


Dr. Musa Bajali: Dental Caries Status, Socio-Economic, Behavioral and Biological Variables among 12-Year-Old Palestinian School Children

Field of Research: Pediatric Dentistry

Name of author) (s): Sgan-Cohen HD, Bajali M, Eskander L, Steinberg D, Zini A

Title of published work: “Dental Caries Status, Socio-Economic, Behavioral and Biological Variables among 12-Year-Old Palestinian School Children”

Name of Journal: Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

Year: 2015

Volume:  39, No. 4

Pages: 227-231

Publisher: PMID: 26161604


There are currently inadequate data regarding the prevalence of dental caries and its associated variables, among Palestinian children.


To determine the current prevalence of dental caries and related variables, among Palestinian children in East Jerusalem.


A stratified sample of 286 East Jerusalem Palestinian children was selected, employing randomly chosen sixth grade clusters from three pre-selected socio-economic school groups. Dental caries was recorded according to WHO recommendations. Salivary flow, pH, buffer capacity and microbial parameters, were recorded according to previously employed methodologies.


The mean level of caries experience, by DMFT, was 1.98 ± 2.05. This level was higher than those found among Israeli children, but lower than several other Middle Eastern countries. In uni-variate analysis, significant associations were revealed between caries and school categories, which indicated lower, middle and higher socio-economic position(SEP), mothers' employment, home densities, dental visits, tooth brushing, Streptococci mutans (SM), Lactobacilli (LB), and saliva pH.


According to a linear logistic regression model, children learning in lower SEP schools, with higher SM levels and more acidic saliva, had a higher chance of experiencing dental caries. These findings should be considered in the planning of services and dental health care programs for Palestinian children.



Dental caries; health behavior; socio-economic position

Contact info of the contact author (s):

Name: Musa Bajali, PhD.

Address: Department of Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry, Al-Quds University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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