Research Centers

Center for Radiation Science and Technology

Location: Faculty of Sciences and Technology/ Third Floor (ST218). - Faculty of Sciences and Technology/ Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences


Work in the field of radiation at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem, started in the year 1998. The Department started to develop its academic program to offer theoretical and practical knowledge about radiation sciences. New courses on radiation sciences and technology have been offered and new equipment’s for research and academic were provided.

الأجهزة الموجودة داخل المختبر


نظام مطيافية اشعة غاما عدد ٢ مع ملحقاتها


مقياس جرعة اشعة X  عدد ٢


مقياس جرعة اشعة غاما عدد ٢


مقياس اشعة بيتا


أجهزة قياس الترددات الكهرومغناطيسية عدد 5 من صفر هرتز الى ٣.٣ غيغاهيرتز


جهاز قياس المسافات بالليزر


جهاز GPS


برامج حاسوبية لحساب الجرعة الاشعاعية من أجهزة التصوير الطبقي والاشعة السينية والاشعاع الكهرومغناطيسي في البيئة


أجهزة الكترونية مساعدة

Procedures and Services:

  1. To Participate in keeping the public health through monitoring the radiation pollution of the Palestinian environment as well as preserving the Palestinian individual from the dangers of radiation pollution and implementing the radiation protection instructions in the peaceful use of the radiation energy.
  2. To assist in offering scientific research and to develop it in the field of the peaceful uses of atomic energy by the Palestinian scientific organizations.
  3. To build up Palestinian capacities in the field of radiation science and technology.
  4. To Disseminate out scientific awareness of radiation science and its peaceful applications among the public at a larger scale.
  5. To organize and participate in conferences and training courses about radiation sciences and applications.
  6. To offer scientific consulting services and feasibility studies to Palestinians as well as establish technical projects in cooperation with relevant regional and international organizations.
  7. To cooperate with other Palestinians universities and the Palestinian National Authority institutions to develop a curriculum for radiation sciences and to include it in various academic fields.

Director: Dr. Adnan Lahham /Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences


  • Amer Marei / Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Mostafa Owais / Dept. of Radio Imaging
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