The Role of Religion on Suicidal Behavior, Attitudes and Psychological Distress in University Students: A Multinational Study

On November 2017, Motasem Hamdan ET Al. published a new study in Transcultural Psychiatry titled "The Role of Religion on Suicidal Behavior, Attitudes and Psychological Distress in University Students: A Multinational Study".

The article aimed to determine the association of religion to suicidal behavior, attitudes and psychological distress in 5572 students from 12 countries by means of a self-report questionnaire

The results of this study showed that an affiliation with Islam was associated with reduced risk for suicide ideation, however affiliating with Ortho dox Christianity and no religion was related to increased risk for suicide ideation. While affiliating with Buddhism, Catholic religion and no religion associated with lowered risk for attempting suicide, affiliation with Islam was related to heightened risk for attempting suicide. Affiliation with Hinduism, Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism, Catholicism, other religions and with no religion was associated with decreased risk for psychological distress but those reported affiliating with Islam evinced greater risk for psychological distress.

For more information about the study, please contact the main author at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the scientific research office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.